Starz Feud - Survey #10
Please type your answer for each question in our survey.
Your answers will be used in future games of Starz Feud. If on a PC you can use the TAB key to easily move to next question
Give me a reason someone may make fun of your car
What fruit do you eat the most?
Name something you wind up
Name an animal mentioned in the Bible
Name an instrument you would find in a Symphony orchestra
Name a piece of clothing that people buy without trying on
Name a famous Martin
Name something you keep in your wallet
Name something you eat with crackers
Tell me something you may hear a director say on a movie set
Name a part of a ship
Tell me a deodorant brand name
Which is the best month of the year?
Give me a word that rhymes with ‘pink’
Name a weapon that you throw
Name a kind of cake
Tell me the most wrinkled part of your partner’s body
Name something you might see at a bullfight
Name something a dentist puts in your mouth
Name a kind of bread
Tell me something people only use once
Tell me something that makes a party great
Give me a nickname that short people are tired of hearing
Name a fat animal
Name something specific that you turn over
Before a couple gets married, name something they should agree about
Name an occupation where you would see dead people
Tell me a way you could become a millionaire in a day
Name something you might find on your car windscreen
Tell me something that might be spoiled
If you couldn’t live in Australia, give me a country where you could live
Besides clothes name something people wear every day
Tell me a popular breakfast cereal
Name something that starts with the word ‘lady’
Name a fruit or vegetable that is used as a beauty aid
What Australian state do you believe has the most beautiful women?
Give me a reason people remove their glasses for
What is something parents are always telling their kids ‘they are lucky to have’
Give a phrase that starts with the words ‘off the’
Name something teachers threaten to do when a class is misbehaving
Name a possession men like to boast about having
Name something a race car driver might do right before a race
Name an activity you see people doing in their backyard
Name a hygiene product a man might not use when on a camping trip
Name an animal that's easy to imitate in charades
Tell me something a man should never criticize a woman about
Name something people deliver for a living
Name a country that makes the best beer
Tell me something you sometimes forget to do before you hop into bed
Name something that most people get more of the older they get
Name something most people don't replace until it dies
Which celebrity would win the award for most plastic surgeries?
Name a gift that's hard to return
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